Michael Fann has been creating since the mid-1970's and has taught, as well as continued painting and exhibiting his work in the U.S.A. and in Europe. During the 1980's he worked with the traditional medium of painting and began in Frankfurt am Main Germany to experiment with other materials and modes of employment. This resulted in using driftwood, wood from the forest floor and packaging materials to create objects that functioned as " SCRIPT SCULPTURES" exhibiting the qualities of ARCHAIC SYMBOLS or ancient writing in 3-dimensional form. He expanded on this idea using styrofoam packaging in much the same way. By the 1990's the objects began to be produced exclusively out of styrofoam and polyeurathane foam pieces that he found abandonded and ready for disposal. These objects continued to be involved with the idea of the archaic and some returned to the traditional rectangular format. This tendency in his work has lasted up until 2006, when he returned to using paper and Chinese ink to echo the "script sculptures" begun in the mid 1980's. These more recent works on paper are involved with the qualities of EASTERN CALLIGRAPHY, BOTANICAL FORMS and a SUBJECTIVE FORM of "writing" similar to the works of the 1980's. Another thread that runs through his work and relates to both ancient writing and traditional field painting are a series of paintings on canvas that employ the use of strong color and a unified field. These works began, as well, in the 1990's and continue until the present.
Photography, which had been used in the past as a
support to the paintings, has now become an
independent medium for itself.
Michael Fann lives and works in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.......
and is always operating in the light of the Perenniel Philosophy.
in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Lebte 1981-84 in Big Sur, California, USA. Lebt
seit 1984 in Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland.
1974-1976 Graduate Assistant Department of Fine Arts, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
1976 Instuctor/Malerei University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
1977-80 Instructor/ Zwei-dimensionalen Design, Zeichnen und Kunst
Geschichte, University of Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee
1981-84 Selbstständiger Künstler—wohnt und arbeitet bei dem Esalen
Institute, Big Sur, California
Seit 1982 Reisen nach Indien, Griechenland, Morocco, Jugoslavien, Italien,
Spanien, Ceylon und Thailand
Michael Fann stellt seit 1973 seine Arbeiten öffentlich aus. Seine Werke
sind im öffentlichen und privaten Besitz in den USA und Europa.
1973 Brooks Memorial Gallery Memphis, TN USA
1976 Parthenon Gallery Nashville TN USA
1976 McClung Museum Knoxville TN USA
1979 Lauren Rodgers Museum MS USA
1981 Esalen Institute CA USA
1985 Galerie New Art Bad Homburg DE
1985 Amerika Haus Frankfurt DE
1986 Galerie Klaus Werth Frankfurt DE
Amerika Haus Hannover DE
1987 Galerie Wasserweg 4 Frankfurt DE
1988 McCann-Erickson Frankfurt DE
1990 Galerie an der Trinkhalle Bad Soden DE
1993 Galerie U4 Frankfurt DE
Galerie Wasserweg 4 Frankfurt DE
1996 Amerika Haus Frankfurt DE
1998 IGBau Steinbach DE
TopCom Agentur für Kommunikation
Liederbach DE
2001 J.W.v.Goethe Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt DE
2001 Senckenbergische Stiftung Bürgerhospital
Frankfurt DE
2001 Das Bilderhaus Frankfurt DE
2010 Das Lesecafe Frankfurt DE
2012 Klosterpresse Frankfurt DE
2015 Galerie Textor 74 Frankfurt DE
2016 Galerie Textor 74 Frankfurt DE
2019 Klosterpresse Frankfurt DE
2019 Galerie Textor 74 Frankfurt DE
2021 Gallus Theater Frankfurt DE
2022 Klosterpresse Frankfurt DE